Saturday, May 30, 2009

as good as it gets

(photo courtesy of the web: author has no intention to infringe property rights or any copyright law)

It can only stay as good as it gets.

Life can sometimes play games on you. Here I am following closely bound to someone who really can't care for me back the way I do, pathetic--yes.

I always have this tendency to like some one who can't like me back. If I later found out that this person might have some inclination to like me, it just puts me off. What am I an idiot, maybe but I sure do hope not.

Should I be sleeping on the same bed, I would love to put my hands around you and kiss the back of your neck. Should you put me off I would feel dejected and unloved. What is this stupid feeling of loving. Is it something we intentionally try to seek although knowing completely well we most of the time end up getting hurt?

Sad, but true. Or am I just closing doors for getting hurt much to often?
Well I try and try I have done, to stay positive and look at the brighter side knowing and learning from each rejection. But I think I have one to many. I most of the time think I deserve to be cynical.

A turn of phrase I waited, it rained... soon it will end. The waiting I hated as we sleep restlessly although the night with my mind wondering will it ever be better. Should I or should I not. I looked up on the face that shares the same pillow as me. Those lips I would so love to kiss, those that I would so love to love. But I dare not for friends we are better off, it makes things less complicated. Yet in the hopes to feel your warmth I cuddled you into my arms and felt the beating of your heart. And in that moment I was not alone I breathed with you...It can only stay good as it gets.

Tomorrow we are a different person. We often times tend to forget moments of closeness like last night, but I can only say this for myself. But when I rouse myself on the morning you were there awake and worried as to what the morning might bring. You are like a kid that has always been sheltered from harm not really knowing what to expect but wanting everything to fall into place. I can not baby sit you... then and there I became another person. I tried to stop myself by indulging you and caressing your back, a gentle massage of care and stolen kisses to the back of your shoulders which you hated me doing but never the less I did after all you asked me to rub your back. I deserved the feel of your back on my lips if not your lips to mine.

Sweet bitterness I know for a moment I might have fallen, but fall I can not. I know someday you'll come along. Just like the song, or is it only in songs that they really do?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

bi now GAY later


does it really matter all these labels?

Saturday, May 23, 2009


I can feel that she ment it? Do you?

I was chatting with a friend of mine JB and here are bits and pieces that I wanted to share.

Me: have you ever asked yourself what would you be leaving behind?
JB: yes, and i know the anwer/s
Me: and what would the major answer be?
JB: the fulfillment of my LIFE PURPOSE nd I may die trying, til the very end
Me: noble
JB: nah... just focused and clear. i just know what i want
Me: that is the exact opposite of me
JB: its the vehicle that will get me there is what we all need to work on each day
let me share with you a very short few lines
Me: is that vehicle ready to zoom past with in the next 5years?
JB: it is easier to hit the bowling pins blindfolded... that hitting a target that is not even there"
take out bowling.. use any game you like
same principle applies
you have the better chance of hitting a target you cant see, than a target
that is not there
Me: so how do you identify what you really want in life?
JB: by always allowing yourself to make mistakes
it is only in trying everything out that you discover certain truths about
yourself that tels you if what you are doing is what you want and within your
real nature bec if it is not, you have to move on
you canot force yoruself to do that which is not in your real nature to do
it always is a trial and error
Me: that makes sense...
i would sleep on that thought

Some times we forget

This short film made me remember, there are those that are not fortunate enough. What have you done so far?

What are you bitching about? What have you done to help? Me i dunno, lemme try...

Friday, May 22, 2009

What do you think?

I only frequent 2 blog sites
My numero

What blog sites are on your list?


Sitting here with you nursing a stupidly pricey cup of coffee concoctions, I smile dreamily to myself while hoping that somehow the time I spent with you, you are there with me. On a lazy afternoon I met you and we talked, I mused and I was happy seeing you again after quite some time.

Now that we are here, I try so hard to make you feel you are the only person in my world but I failed terribly for I have this nagging feeling of somehow trying to make you feel a bit jealous. I wanted to know if you cared, if you missed me and if you are here with me because of me. I never can demand much of your time, you have a life and I have mine.

But at this afternoon in a lonely café, we tried to be there for each other at least you did for me. I can see your eyes looking at me trying to tell me something I can never be sure of. You were of a few words but in those words you strike me, a humility that is just beyond me.

I replay in my mind the moment our eyes met, that I tried to hold your gaze but you were stubborn and I have to look away. I cannot bear you to see how I have been waiting for you, aching… longing. I tried to look away and stare bluntly at the others passing idly by the window acting as if I am enamored by that stranger, you followed my gaze and I knew you were thinking—but of what? That I will never know.

I tried to pretend that I don’t need you more than I would a friend—just a friend.

But as I sit back and remember that day, I know in my heart I miss you. And at that time, one thing I am really sure of was that I wanted for you to stay a while and make me feel you felt the same way. But somehow I dread the truth, you have a life I have mine.

We walked out of the café after some time; I basked in your presence and hold on to the moment. Time was constantly tugging on my mind, asking whether what comes next… another wait? Should I let go or should I not?

We lingered on like birds perched on a tree, and I wonder do you ever think of me? You sat there in front of me at another place I love to eat, sitting with your worries we shared a meal. I know by then I am counting minutes and you would fly back to your nest …to your life.

We head out to the cross roads with promises to see each other again at another time… soon. You sent me to the station, you guided me there. We stood by the stairs oblivious of stares I reached out for your hand, held on a little bit more. We shook hands like friends usually do but emotions just flood me. We grasped for time a little bit more with promises for another time. See you soon we said, it was never good bye, never I hope. I head to my station without looking back knowing we’ll meet again.

We flit and we parted, you have a life I have my own.

I remembered looking into your eyes trying hard to understand what it is that you are saying beneath all the worries and all the frustration. I tried so hard and here am trying still… I do love you, I have never felt so sure and I know I hesitate. This is more real that can ever be and it can never be more real than this.