I can feel that she ment it? Do you?
I was chatting with a friend of mine JB and here are bits and pieces that I wanted to share.
Me: have you ever asked yourself what would you be leaving behind?
JB: yes, and i know the anwer/s
Me: and what would the major answer be?
JB: the fulfillment of my LIFE PURPOSE nd I may die trying, til the very end
Me: noble
JB: nah... just focused and clear. i just know what i want
Me: that is the exact opposite of me
JB: its the vehicle that will get me there is what we all need to work on each day
let me share with you a very short few lines
Me: is that vehicle ready to zoom past with in the next 5years?
JB: it is easier to hit the bowling pins blindfolded... that hitting a target that is not even there"
take out bowling.. use any game you like
same principle applies
you have the better chance of hitting a target you cant see, than a target
that is not there
Me: so how do you identify what you really want in life?
JB: by always allowing yourself to make mistakes
it is only in trying everything out that you discover certain truths about
yourself that tels you if what you are doing is what you want and within your
real nature bec if it is not, you have to move on
you canot force yoruself to do that which is not in your real nature to do
it always is a trial and error
Me: that makes sense...
i would sleep on that thought
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