It would, so they say, when? Maybe now, later or maybe just someday...
A running commentary of sorts. Some inconspicuous and some that can never go better than what nots... A personal take on all things under the sun, narcissistic and often times dumb.
Monday, July 27, 2009
OH...Aint this Grand?
When I found this on my daily reads at a blog I frequent--cant help but repost it here. I have to share the love. This(video) is how I feel right now, minus the girl in the building across the street. If only I would find that someone... would it ever come?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Can you?
can you deny the longing.
Like answering Life
with a ballpoint pen.
Having ticked all the boxes
never certain as to why.
In the end you hoped
for an eraser on your ballpoint pen.
We all end up
crossing time, looking at the sky.
If you deny longing,
can you deny love?
Like answering Life
with a ballpoint pen.
Having ticked all the boxes
never certain as to why.
In the end you hoped
for an eraser on your ballpoint pen.
We all end up
crossing time, looking at the sky.
If you deny longing,
can you deny love?

Album: Keeps Gettin' Better-A Decade Of Hits
Found at:
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I know somehow you’d ask, “Why do you like me?” We’ll that is a question that I have been trying to figure out all this time. We’ll I found several answers that makes sense well at least for me. There is the the bullshit, and the real one. But the thing is I never chose to like you, I just did.
Then I asked myself would this be the last time, would there be no other?

Found at:
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Results: Unknown

The quirk on the equation though is that in the absence of anyone else within hearing distance, behavior of subject is quite amiable--almost nullifying previous behavior shown.
Having said all that, I have decided to hermit myself for a week or as deemed necessary and limit point of contact to monosyllabic responses as well.
Outcome: unsatisfactory.
Fast-forward, today I was watching Cowboys and Angels and this line made me realize, well, labels are labels but they don’t change who we are as a person. We are who we are because of the choices we have made.
The conversation between the main characters is very poignant.
"Are you gay?"
-Why do you ask?
-yes I am, it’s the fashion thing aint it?
"smile… no...its everything."
“I’m not by the way.”
-i figured.
“It’s the hair thing isn’t it?”
-its everything... smile."

Album: In Between Dreams
Found at:
Sunday, July 19, 2009

I know how this ends, I have always been around this bend so many times. I think I am the street, I have become the street.
Coffee in one hand, eyes dazed and empty, the car horn just blaring on me..."GET OFF THE ROAD ALREADY!"
lemme know.
amazing contrast yeah? just beautiful

Album: Songs From the Attic
Found at:
One Way Street
One way street of relationships like walking on the road against the flow of traffic, deadly yet exhilarating.
Oftentimes lonely parcel of thoughts blown across the meadow
only reaching me in echo.
A sorry ass laments of mediocre thoughts,
petty and most of the times offensive.
An ebb of hollow sighs, hoping for that better corner of warm lights.
Nothingness caught in the traffic of the one way street.
Hoping and waiting,
then like the thick of the morning mist I gasp for air.
Then, I woke up in tears.
I was on this one way Boulevard all along.

Album: American Idiot
Found at:
Friday, July 17, 2009
Not Again
I don’t know maybe it’s the isolation that I am in prompted me to just tap this alphanumeric tiles, with my letter N just popping out. I yanked it once and its kind of broken that I have to press it really hard to keep it back where it should be.
I am quite bored as you would have guessed; I already have tried reading all the stuff I could manage. I have finished Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, Robert Goddard’s Set In Stone, Dominick Dunne’s Another City, Not My Own and many others.
I always find solace in reading but our library seems to be if not empty never does exist. Movies is not out of the question, we have quite a collection but I have seen almost all that would make sense, the 2-thumbs up kind of reel and to the foolishly stupid ones. I have seen quite a few of blue movies.
Blah blah blah… nothing interesting really.
Well except that I remember yet another: wishful thinking.
Oftentimes I hate myself for being me, but all of these are my own doing. I made a choice thus I have to face the consequences of the choices I took. Yeah, its sucks to be me.
Had to have Amy sing for me today much love dahlings next time maybe with something better.
P.S: me pussied out on dying my hair maybe I'll take baby steps in going cwazy...
I am quite bored as you would have guessed; I already have tried reading all the stuff I could manage. I have finished Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, Robert Goddard’s Set In Stone, Dominick Dunne’s Another City, Not My Own and many others.
I always find solace in reading but our library seems to be if not empty never does exist. Movies is not out of the question, we have quite a collection but I have seen almost all that would make sense, the 2-thumbs up kind of reel and to the foolishly stupid ones. I have seen quite a few of blue movies.
Blah blah blah… nothing interesting really.
Well except that I remember yet another: wishful thinking.
Oftentimes I hate myself for being me, but all of these are my own doing. I made a choice thus I have to face the consequences of the choices I took. Yeah, its sucks to be me.
Had to have Amy sing for me today much love dahlings next time maybe with something better.
P.S: me pussied out on dying my hair maybe I'll take baby steps in going cwazy...
Amy Winehouse-Love is a Loosing Game
Album: Back to Back
Found at:
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Werq... its all pressure if you don't know the buttons, but I would say its never manipulation if you know how to get the results you wanted. Ever felt like you need to clean the mess first before you can study in your room for the big exam. Some of us can function better if we have a cleaner soroundings or maybe a clearer perspective.
Funny how this read (for me), check this one out at
and now....
He was in the prime of his youth without a care in the world or so most of the people think when they see him. But through his walk to the beach he has been thinking on what will become of him at twenty-five and what is he looking for in life.

His thoughts had separated him from all the rest that are idly walking on the beach. He didn’t mind or even notice the two giggling girls who were giving him an eyeful; both scantly clad and are bathing in the afternoon glow of the summer sun.
It was a fifteen-minute walk from the beach to his apartment, and on this particular walk as he was now walking on the walk-way stopping a while and putting his sandals on he noticed this mobile of cylinder chimes strategically placed in a single strand of what seems to him a threadlike metal that gleamed in the sun with silver luster. The chimes sounded pleasantly peaceful even in the hustle and bustle of the people coming and going from the beach. It was hanging outside the balcony on the third storey.
From across the walkway to the street which was about ten meters, there is a bookstore painted in fire-truck red and an elaborate metal signage made of copper or bronze in an oval shape was gleaming clean at the corner just above the door to the shop, the metal engraves read Lengua en el Alma. Language of the Soul, it was quite nice looking spot which seems filled with books at the sizable area of the lot and on the second balcony he could hear the chorus of the chimes in the mobile.
The mobile in itself looks like it is going to fall any minute but by equilibrium it seemed to defy gravity and it just hangs there dancing on the breeze. It was a wonderful sight, pleasing to the senses, and a welcome distraction from his deep thought. LloHan has this habit of speaking his thoughts out loud as if talking to himself, but he makes sure no one in earshot hears him otherwise they might think he’s nuts. ‘I have been passing this way but I have never noticed this place, not until now. A bookshop with chimes on top.’ He sighed and smiled to himself. He was thinking of getting in the shop and look around and maybe even ask who owns the chimes on top and maybe where they bought it but decided against it, he still has a date with this lady his friend Francis del Castillo has arranged.
LloHan is really not into blind dates, he thinks he is not that desperate but Francis was insistent that he meet this girl for tea, for he said she was an English expat of notable family. ‘I wonder what a proper English lady is doing on the Spanish shores.’ This thought has raised his curiosity a bar that is why he finally agreed on this date or for tea. He never got used on the idea of drinking soaked aromatic weeds on fancy china. This always hit him as silly.
(to be continued)
Funny how this read (for me), check this one out at
and now....
He was in the prime of his youth without a care in the world or so most of the people think when they see him. But through his walk to the beach he has been thinking on what will become of him at twenty-five and what is he looking for in life.

His thoughts had separated him from all the rest that are idly walking on the beach. He didn’t mind or even notice the two giggling girls who were giving him an eyeful; both scantly clad and are bathing in the afternoon glow of the summer sun.
It was a fifteen-minute walk from the beach to his apartment, and on this particular walk as he was now walking on the walk-way stopping a while and putting his sandals on he noticed this mobile of cylinder chimes strategically placed in a single strand of what seems to him a threadlike metal that gleamed in the sun with silver luster. The chimes sounded pleasantly peaceful even in the hustle and bustle of the people coming and going from the beach. It was hanging outside the balcony on the third storey.
From across the walkway to the street which was about ten meters, there is a bookstore painted in fire-truck red and an elaborate metal signage made of copper or bronze in an oval shape was gleaming clean at the corner just above the door to the shop, the metal engraves read Lengua en el Alma. Language of the Soul, it was quite nice looking spot which seems filled with books at the sizable area of the lot and on the second balcony he could hear the chorus of the chimes in the mobile.
The mobile in itself looks like it is going to fall any minute but by equilibrium it seemed to defy gravity and it just hangs there dancing on the breeze. It was a wonderful sight, pleasing to the senses, and a welcome distraction from his deep thought. LloHan has this habit of speaking his thoughts out loud as if talking to himself, but he makes sure no one in earshot hears him otherwise they might think he’s nuts. ‘I have been passing this way but I have never noticed this place, not until now. A bookshop with chimes on top.’ He sighed and smiled to himself. He was thinking of getting in the shop and look around and maybe even ask who owns the chimes on top and maybe where they bought it but decided against it, he still has a date with this lady his friend Francis del Castillo has arranged.
LloHan is really not into blind dates, he thinks he is not that desperate but Francis was insistent that he meet this girl for tea, for he said she was an English expat of notable family. ‘I wonder what a proper English lady is doing on the Spanish shores.’ This thought has raised his curiosity a bar that is why he finally agreed on this date or for tea. He never got used on the idea of drinking soaked aromatic weeds on fancy china. This always hit him as silly.
(to be continued)

A decadent Old Fashioned Chocolate Cake paired with a refreshing cup of green tea is my guilty pleasure on a rainy Wednesday morning.
A small unassuming place just along the highway, but cozy enough to warm a cold heart that has
shriveled in postponed expectations.
Imagining the reality of it all, decadent soon loss and gone down
the insatiable palate. Washed down by the bitter warmth.
So much for poetry, so much for rain.
Get your fill and savor the bittersweet memories of moments soon
lost and gone.
Just like a decadent Old Fashioned Chocolate Cake on a rainy day.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Fingers Crossed
Later on today I am going to either make a mess of my hair and end up with a disaster including my eyebrows. But of course I would be an eye to help my friend make some choices to dress and look his age.
Lets keep our fingers crossed and I'd try to posts pics of the differences later on today.
Meanwhile I found these amusing anagrams something of a hot and so now courtesy of Bent Magazine July 2009 issue.
Lets keep our fingers crossed and I'd try to posts pics of the differences later on today.
Meanwhile I found these amusing anagrams something of a hot and so now courtesy of Bent Magazine July 2009 issue.
Much luv laters."It’s no secret that language is adapting. Already we have the internet contracting conversations to streams of capital letters and symbols denoting emoticons. But we find it’s not quite adapting fast enough. Here at Bent Towers we have a range of emotions and sentiments we’d love to see expressed in more economical terms. So in order to aid the evolution of the English language (and bitch in a more timely fashion), here are our favourite new anagrams."
Saturday, July 11, 2009
I was looking all over the net...
Me and my friend from "Are you thinking what Im thinking?" has decided to make a major reinvention on how we both look, on the outside. Of course the me that I know would really jump into this idea of something new for this quarter but this time I would not be doing it alone. I would really hate for this to look like a disaster of a make over so I decided to scoure the net for advices on the best hair color thats reasonable on our individual skin tone.
This whole idea started when we had lunch and the question as to how old Iz looks like and me saying, dude you look 30ish. This was met with a half wit chuckle and almost weird look of frustration. Well lemme tell you how this 25ish works his swagger. Imagine: glasses, thin hair strands, khaki almost always or perhaps slacks, collared polo or even long sleeves, tuck in with the paternal looking belt, serious tone, very religious and speaks logic. What gives? He said he has adopted the same look his 30 something relatives has.
I still have 3days more before we go crazy in all this. What do you think is the best hair color for a natural black curly hair--if not cwazy kinky hair twirls-- and a tinted hazel brown contacts?
And what are the necessities for a 30ish looking 25 something guy to look his age, ward robe wise?
This whole idea started when we had lunch and the question as to how old Iz looks like and me saying, dude you look 30ish. This was met with a half wit chuckle and almost weird look of frustration. Well lemme tell you how this 25ish works his swagger. Imagine: glasses, thin hair strands, khaki almost always or perhaps slacks, collared polo or even long sleeves, tuck in with the paternal looking belt, serious tone, very religious and speaks logic. What gives? He said he has adopted the same look his 30 something relatives has.
I still have 3days more before we go crazy in all this. What do you think is the best hair color for a natural black curly hair--if not cwazy kinky hair twirls-- and a tinted hazel brown contacts?
And what are the necessities for a 30ish looking 25 something guy to look his age, ward robe wise?
Friday, July 10, 2009
Do you betray the many by killing the gossip?
What is there left juicy enough for us to speculate.

Do you close a sentence when you get the answer of a question?
I really am not sure if you lied straight faced, 'cause if you did then you really are good at it.
Is the truth some times, that plain?
It was a waste, I should have guessed better.
Are we that creative when we think of possibilities and what ifs?
Carnal thoughts get the better of us most of the time.
Dissatisfaction and dissent does it mean you can do better?
Well lets talk about something really off, did you know...?
(the gossip continues)

Do you close a sentence when you get the answer of a question?
I really am not sure if you lied straight faced, 'cause if you did then you really are good at it.

It was a waste, I should have guessed better.
Are we that creative when we think of possibilities and what ifs?
Carnal thoughts get the better of us most of the time.
Dissatisfaction and dissent does it mean you can do better?
Well lets talk about something really off, did you know...?
(the gossip continues)

A special Gurl

Birthdays are like moments of "aha"
Suddenly you realize you are too old
But not old enough not to enjoy life.
Alive enough to remember
how you were like a vegetable
during those "hay" days, but
your way better now, right?
Sometimes we end up with a lot of strife
yet we stand here another year older
than you can remember.
Life is better, tomorrow if not now
but definitely on your birthday
same day today you made this world a different
Smile, cry, laugh and grow old
Birthday or not if you are special to some
you always are.
Sweet, cheezy... you bet, BIATCH!
Happy as you grow old! yeah?
Suddenly you realize you are too old
But not old enough not to enjoy life.
Alive enough to remember
how you were like a vegetable
during those "hay" days, but
your way better now, right?
Sometimes we end up with a lot of strife
yet we stand here another year older
than you can remember.
Life is better, tomorrow if not now
but definitely on your birthday
same day today you made this world a different
Smile, cry, laugh and grow old
Birthday or not if you are special to some
you always are.
Sweet, cheezy... you bet, BIATCH!
Happy as you grow old! yeah?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Virginia--the state for Lovers (NOT)
Me remembered,
As the year 2008 tide over to 2009 I went thru this whole cycle off liking someone like really really much... we remained friends... we saw each other at times then I lost my phone darn should get a new one. Read on if you wish to reminisce with me times that your heart skipped a beat with that thumpa thumpa...
Then I ate just another heart break... move one they said... we'll that's easy for you to say.
Much love dahrlings, for the next time.

As the year 2008 tide over to 2009 I went thru this whole cycle off liking someone like really really much... we remained friends... we saw each other at times then I lost my phone darn should get a new one. Read on if you wish to reminisce with me times that your heart skipped a beat with that thumpa thumpa...
The hard part of really liking someone is not actually in the telling but in finding the perfect words that really say what you mean. Just last 21st of January 2008 I finally told you (sort off) how I felt about you. It was just me being scared that my time would run out, that I would never be able to say how you mean to me. But I guess I did like you, too much I fact that I acted like a fool never able to put my feelings into words. I felt dumb, unable to string words that actually make sense. I was never good at telling that I knew but somehow I felt I have to no matter how senseless, no matter how dumb.
I don’t know, even I can’t explain why I feel the way that I do. I don’t want you to think or even to feel that I am telling you this to get to you, what would hurt me more is that I would loose a friend I had in you. I have always thought of you as a friend first. But I grew fond of you, never realized it would reach the point were it would sting.
I know I told you “trip kita” but that was just way beyond what I actually wanted to tell. But at least now I am not alone, you know as you always have. Don’t run away from me, just stick around maybe somehow I would get over you. I really need to… because it is all wrong. I can’t possibly yearn for someone who is married.
I will never know what is in your mind, but I can feel your warmth you are a good person. I don’t know if it would be fair for me to say that somehow I thought for a moment you were my soul mate that I have been searching all my life. We’ll I guess I will have to keep on searching but somehow I would look back at the times and smile at the thought of you and how you make me smile somehow.
Then I ate just another heart break... move one they said... we'll that's easy for you to say.
Much love dahrlings, for the next time.

Cinemalaya 2009 | "The Gallery" ad
Official ad made for the 5th Cinemalaya Philippine Independent Film Festival. Festival runs at the Cultural Center of the Philippines from July 17-26, 2009.
Is this particular one in the selection? I would love to watch this if it is. It has that quirky vibe on it fun and light. Its shouting looking at art in a different angle. Wacha think?
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
"Classy things to say when stressed" from closetconundrums
1. "Okay, okay! I take it back. Unfuck you!!!"
2. "You say I'm a bitch like it's a bad thing?!"
3. "How many times do I have to flush before you go away?"
4. "Well this day was a total waste of make-up"
5. "Well aren't we a bloody ray of sunshine?"
6. "Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after."
7. "Do I look like a fucking people person!"
8. "This isn't an office. It's HELL with fluorescent lighting"
9. "I started out with nothing still have most of it left"
10. "I pretend to work, they pretend to pay me"
11. "YOU!!... off my planet!!!"
12. "Therapy is expensive. Popping bubble plastic is cheap. You choose"
13. "Practice random acts of intelligence and senseless acts of self-control"
14. "Errors have been made. Others will be blamed"
15. "And your cry-baby, whiny-assed opinion would be.....?"
16. "I'm not crazy. I've been in a very bad mood for 30 years."
17. "Sarcasm is just one more service I offer."
18. "Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed"
19. "Do they ever shut up on your planet?"
20. "I'm not your type. I'm not inflatable"
21. "Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realize you haven't gone to sleep yet"
22. "Back off!! You're standing in my aura."
23. "Don't worry. I forgot your name too."
24. "I just want revenge. Is that so wrong?"
25. "I work 45 hours a week to be this poor."
26. "Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it."
27. "Not all men are annoying. Some are dead."
28. "Wait...I'm trying to imagine you with a personality"
29. "Chaos, panic and disorder . . . my work here is done."
30. "Ambivalent? Well yes and no."
31. "You look like shit. Is that the style now?"
32. "Earth is full. Go home."
33. "Aw, did I step on your poor little bitty ego?"
34. "I'm not tense, just terribly, terribly alert."
35. "A hard-on doesn't count as personal growth."
36. "You are depriving some village of an idiot."
37. "If assholes could fly, this place would be an airport"
Well these are really cool one liners. They often times crack others up--me thinks. I found these in and a few more pics that shows how I feel at this moment.

2. "You say I'm a bitch like it's a bad thing?!"
3. "How many times do I have to flush before you go away?"
4. "Well this day was a total waste of make-up"
5. "Well aren't we a bloody ray of sunshine?"
6. "Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after."
7. "Do I look like a fucking people person!"
8. "This isn't an office. It's HELL with fluorescent lighting"
9. "I started out with nothing still have most of it left"
10. "I pretend to work, they pretend to pay me"
11. "YOU!!... off my planet!!!"
12. "Therapy is expensive. Popping bubble plastic is cheap. You choose"
13. "Practice random acts of intelligence and senseless acts of self-control"
14. "Errors have been made. Others will be blamed"
15. "And your cry-baby, whiny-assed opinion would be.....?"
16. "I'm not crazy. I've been in a very bad mood for 30 years."
17. "Sarcasm is just one more service I offer."
18. "Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed"
19. "Do they ever shut up on your planet?"
20. "I'm not your type. I'm not inflatable"
21. "Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realize you haven't gone to sleep yet"
22. "Back off!! You're standing in my aura."
23. "Don't worry. I forgot your name too."
24. "I just want revenge. Is that so wrong?"
25. "I work 45 hours a week to be this poor."
26. "Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it."
27. "Not all men are annoying. Some are dead."
28. "Wait...I'm trying to imagine you with a personality"
29. "Chaos, panic and disorder . . . my work here is done."
30. "Ambivalent? Well yes and no."
31. "You look like shit. Is that the style now?"
32. "Earth is full. Go home."
33. "Aw, did I step on your poor little bitty ego?"
34. "I'm not tense, just terribly, terribly alert."
35. "A hard-on doesn't count as personal growth."
36. "You are depriving some village of an idiot."
37. "If assholes could fly, this place would be an airport"
Well these are really cool one liners. They often times crack others up--me thinks. I found these in and a few more pics that shows how I feel at this moment.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
(will be posting parts and segments of a fictional work I have in progress open for criticisms)
A borrowed grain of sand in time: to live and to fade in time.
We live our lives just once and what comes next we know not yet. The best we could do is with intentions to learn and understand the reasons why. As we ache to find meaning of our existence let us consider looking beyond the boundaries set by our society. As the pages progress let us remind ourselves of the endless possibility beyond all understanding and social norms. Let us turn our backs on the pious hypocrisy of our times and for once open our minds to the depths of our time and look beyond the face.
That in darkness we may experience the light as with the absence of the sun we shall be able to gaze in wonder of the multitude of stars that lay beyond us.
In our youth, we experience the bliss of knowing to sore heights beyond possibilities, stretching our limits and racing toward our dreams. So let it be, that in our youth we will learn to savor the times that soon will become a part of us all, the memories that we will cling-to, here and to the unknown. As the time of our lives come to that end, let us lay-down the wings that bought us toward the heights and remember the times we have flown on borrowed wings.
It was one of those serene afternoons where the sun is about to set behind the waves just beyond where the eyes could see no more, Lloyd Handrei de la Croix was pacing himself by the beach and every step he takes leaves behind footprints that the waves washes away. LloHan, as his friends call him, enjoys these afternoon-walk. He likes it just at the end of the shore where the sea hugs the sand in eternal abandon with the sand and foaming seawater comes squishing between his toes. He is walking on a barefoot with leather sandals; one in each hand, while the gentle summer breeze is flailing the beige linen trousers he had on which he had cropped up to the middle of his shins and his white cotton T-shirt hugging his chest.
At a distant his thighs where formed in a beautiful silhouette, which with a discerning eye in the light of the setting sun, one could not help but notice he had nothing underneath just the tanned flesh sprinkled with youthful twirls of hair and surprisingly an interesting bulge with which even some of the straight guys would grin at—in the thought of this man’s utter carefree ways. He is the kind guy you would look at but would be too embarrassed to stare whether you are a woman, a man and anyone in between. He was the guy you would want to become or the guy who would make you cum.
He was in the prime of his youth without a care in the world or so most of the people think when they see him. But through his walk to the beach he has been thinking on what will become of him at twenty-five and what is he looking for in life. His thoughts had separated him from all the rest that are idly walking on the beach. He didn’t mind or even notice the two giggling girls who were giving him an eyeful; both scantly clad and are bathing in the afternoon glow of the summer sun. It was a fifteen-minute walk from the beach to his apartment, and on this particular (to be continued)
A borrowed grain of sand in time: to live and to fade in time.
We live our lives just once and what comes next we know not yet. The best we could do is with intentions to learn and understand the reasons why. As we ache to find meaning of our existence let us consider looking beyond the boundaries set by our society. As the pages progress let us remind ourselves of the endless possibility beyond all understanding and social norms. Let us turn our backs on the pious hypocrisy of our times and for once open our minds to the depths of our time and look beyond the face.
That in darkness we may experience the light as with the absence of the sun we shall be able to gaze in wonder of the multitude of stars that lay beyond us.
In our youth, we experience the bliss of knowing to sore heights beyond possibilities, stretching our limits and racing toward our dreams. So let it be, that in our youth we will learn to savor the times that soon will become a part of us all, the memories that we will cling-to, here and to the unknown. As the time of our lives come to that end, let us lay-down the wings that bought us toward the heights and remember the times we have flown on borrowed wings.
It was one of those serene afternoons where the sun is about to set behind the waves just beyond where the eyes could see no more, Lloyd Handrei de la Croix was pacing himself by the beach and every step he takes leaves behind footprints that the waves washes away. LloHan, as his friends call him, enjoys these afternoon-walk. He likes it just at the end of the shore where the sea hugs the sand in eternal abandon with the sand and foaming seawater comes squishing between his toes. He is walking on a barefoot with leather sandals; one in each hand, while the gentle summer breeze is flailing the beige linen trousers he had on which he had cropped up to the middle of his shins and his white cotton T-shirt hugging his chest.
At a distant his thighs where formed in a beautiful silhouette, which with a discerning eye in the light of the setting sun, one could not help but notice he had nothing underneath just the tanned flesh sprinkled with youthful twirls of hair and surprisingly an interesting bulge with which even some of the straight guys would grin at—in the thought of this man’s utter carefree ways. He is the kind guy you would look at but would be too embarrassed to stare whether you are a woman, a man and anyone in between. He was the guy you would want to become or the guy who would make you cum.
He was in the prime of his youth without a care in the world or so most of the people think when they see him. But through his walk to the beach he has been thinking on what will become of him at twenty-five and what is he looking for in life. His thoughts had separated him from all the rest that are idly walking on the beach. He didn’t mind or even notice the two giggling girls who were giving him an eyeful; both scantly clad and are bathing in the afternoon glow of the summer sun. It was a fifteen-minute walk from the beach to his apartment, and on this particular (to be continued)
Old, I feel less worth it

Have I gone the wrong road, or is this the road less traveled? I was rummaging on old posts from friends in friendsters and I found this one testimonial, I could still remember the pieces of who I once was. For real, I really am not sure what I want to do with my life aside from slaving myself in the corporate world. A job that knows no end, where the demands seems unrealistic and often times torturous.
Is this just angst for not being recognized of all the efforts I have contributed to the work place? Have I always been this kind of person, perhaps but maybe not. Or am I just frustrated of what has come out of my labor or was it really toil?
Who do I want to be?
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
does this make you feel TRANSFORMER?
Imitation is the highest form of praise!
I was waiting for children waiving about inside this one...
Imitation is the highest form of praise!

This one looks like an enemy.

Funny this jazzed-up Baranggay Captain service...hehehehe cool

Oh this is so jeepney only in the Philippines.

This one is innovative.

Taxi... LOL
DISCLAIMER: If any of these photographs are yours leave a message so we can credit you in this page. I love how this was edited.
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