Here I am yet again; dreamy eyed, tingling spine and a heart that skips a beat every time I see you smile. You make my day, I know how
clichéd it is but you really do make me smile. The way you purse your lips that show that subtle naughty grin that would always keep me guessing what is on your mind. Though it is quite futile but the sight of you not carrying the world around your shoulder lifts my spirit high.
I know somehow you’d ask,
“Why do you like me?” We’ll that is a question that I have been trying to figure out all this time. We’ll I found several answers that makes sense well at least for me. There is the the bullshit, and the real one. But the thing is I never chose to like you, I just did.
Then I asked myself would this be the last time, would there be no other?
Marina Elali - One Last Cry
Found at: media.trama.com.br
Dude, in love ka na naman!?? Niyahahaha... see ya later sa office... izpeed.blogspot.com