Every muscle and bone revolting from the ounce of will and movement, wishing that all this is but a dream. And that this pain is nothing... just another nasty hangover.

I lay here alone, bare and unwilling to live on, protesting to the passions in life. Yet my eyes stayed open and I can see you standing there at the back of my mind. Memories of you etched as you closed the door behind.
Tears well up my soul, you are gone together with the monsoon rain. Flashes of lighting crossed the shadows in my room and suddenly a... click, and the lamp went dead.
I lay here almost lifeless except... I am still alive, my body struggles to live. Motionless, I tucked myself in the darkness waiting for sleep to visit me, perhaps in my dreams I would forget. I had wished but it was never easy, the heartbreak of loosing someone never passes by that fast.
As dawn crept its way across the fields, flashes of you and I tumbled in my memories. I tried to squeeze my eyes shut, hoping to soak the past in the dark. I hugged myself facing the wall, somehow I knew things would be better it always does.

I stood shakily and gathered broken pieces of me and tried mightily to tear myself from the sheets that comforted me through the night. As I stood myself up the lamp flickered back to life, outside the window everything seems so clean.
The morning dew clinging to the blades of the leaves as it flutters and flaps by the breeze. The sky so blue and the earth basking in the suns glow like lovers beaming from afar. I stood there empty waiting for my tears to spill out but I only stood ... waiting.

Album: Frank
Found at: lilmikesf.blogspot.com
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