Thursday, February 24, 2011

After the RAIN, iSpeak

I was here. I never left in the first place. I thought I lost it, but guess what I was just healing, quite a hiatus I must say.  A lot has happened since THE RAIN...  The story will continue...

I just needed the break, to heal and to smile and learn to appreciate the hum drum of the buzzing crucible of life filled with anecdotes and question marks.  It has always been the journey, now I sit down and write.  GOD, can we stop and talk awhile.

After the rain, it drizzles down to a whisper... listen for awhile.

Champagne Supernova


Live Journal Entry circa: May 21st, 2004

view from the outside...

I felt the trickling downpour of the rain, I lay on the soil with my body strewn on the ground naked. I could feel my senses turning numb from the unyielding needle like sensation prickling on my skin--like ice and fire brought down from heaven to burn and to chill me, both at the same time.

It was with natural reaction that I spread my hands above my head concealing my face from the troubled sky, I wanted to hide and seek refuge. But I found no one... I found nothing that could shelter me from this...this...excruciating pain that I feel.

I curled myself in remorse I huddled and cried out loud...but I could not hear my self. I was starting to loose my strength and later I knew I have no other option but to feel the pain and bow myself on the ground humbled by the thought that I knew not how to live.




I opened my eyes tired from shutting them out from the reality, tired of crying out my tears, tired of how it feels. Little by little I stood up on my shaky feet with my eyes staring at the calloused feet I had from the struggle. I stood like a ravished piece of creature left alone on the center of some quite and desolate place. I steadied myself, and with courage I planted my feet on this ground that has kept me since.

I opened my eyes, I breathed, and I lived because... I have to.