Saturday, July 11, 2009

I was looking all over the net...

Me and my friend from "Are you thinking what Im thinking?" has decided to make a major reinvention on how we both look, on the outside. Of course the me that I know would really jump into this idea of something new for this quarter but this time I would not be doing it alone. I would really hate for this to look like a disaster of a make over so I decided to scoure the net for advices on the best hair color thats reasonable on our individual skin tone.

This whole idea started when we had lunch and the question as to how old Iz looks like and me saying, dude you look 30ish. This was met with a half wit chuckle and almost weird look of frustration. Well lemme tell you how this 25ish works his swagger. Imagine: glasses, thin hair strands, khaki almost always or perhaps slacks, collared polo or even long sleeves, tuck in with the paternal looking belt, serious tone, very religious and speaks logic. What gives? He said he has adopted the same look his 30 something relatives has.

I still have 3days more before we go crazy in all this. What do you think is the best hair color for a natural black curly hair--if not cwazy kinky hair twirls-- and a tinted hazel brown contacts?

And what are the necessities for a 30ish looking 25 something guy to look his age, ward robe wise?


  1. Sounds to me it's just a matter of style :)

    Depending on what I wear, I can look and act 30ish but if I wore sweats and a hoodie, I'm a freshman at university LOL!

    It's just attitude and style ;P

  2. as they say FB is all about the attitude... IZ link to that LOL
